(( product.title ))
Detailed description
Technical specifications |
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Price per volume
Starting at (( key )) | (( amount(price.ht) )) HT | (( amount(price.ttc) )) |
Principle Sulur/Nitrogen : UV Fluorescence / Chemiluminescence
Detection Limit: 5 ppb S / 5 ppb N to 10% Quantification: 10 ppb S/10 ppb N to 10%
Accuracy S/ RSD S:
Accuracy N / RSD N:
Injections : 20 to 80 µl liquids | 10 ml gas | 20µL LPG
Principle Chlorine : Coulometry
Detection Limit: 50 ppb to more than 80% Quantification: <0.1 ppm to more than 80%
Supply Gas:
Electric: 110 V / 230 V
Temperature :
- Measure Sulfur and Nitrogen simultaneously, quickly and accurately in petroleum product, solvent, oil, synthetic product, water, LPG, plastics…
According standards: ASTM D5453, ASTM D6667, ASTM D7183, ISO 20846, ASTM D4629, ASTM D6069, ASTM D5176, ASTM D5762, NF EN 12260
- Measure total Chlorine in petroleum product, LPG, organic substances, plastics, water, waste, sediments...
According standards: ASTM D4929, ASTM D5808, ASTM D5194, ASTM D6721, UOP 779, ISO 9562, NF EN 12260, NF EN 14077
- Vertical furnace configuration
All types of samples: Solids, Liquids, Gaseous, Liquefied
- Liquid Automatic Sampler up to 50 positions
- Automatic sampler for Gas and/or LPG, with 2 injections loops
- Mini automatic injector, for liquid samples from 5 to seven positions
- Auto introductor for solids samples with boat support